
Declaring a Trait

A trait opts a type into a certain type of behavior or functionality that can be shared among types. This allows for easy reuse of code and generic programming. If you have ever used a typeclass in Haskell, a trait in Rust, or even an interface in Java, these are similar concepts.

Let's take a look at some code:

trait Compare {
    fn equals(self, b: Self) -> bool;
} {
    fn not_equals(self, b: Self) -> bool {

We have just declared a trait called Compare. After the name of the trait, there are two blocks of code (a block is code enclosed in { curly brackets }). The first block is the interface surface. The second block is the methods provided by the trait. If a type can provide the methods in the interface surface, then it gets access to the methods in the trait for free! What the above trait is saying is: if you can determine if two values are equal, then for free, you can determine that they are not equal. Note that trait methods have access to the methods defined in the interface surface.

Implementing a Trait

The example below implements a Compare trait for u64 to check if two numbers are equal. Let's take a look at how that is done:

impl Compare for u64 {
    fn equals(self, b: Self) -> bool {
        self == b

The above snippet declares all of the methods in the trait Compare for the type u64. Now, we have access to both the equals and not_equals methods for u64, as long as the trait Compare is in scope.


When using multiple traits, scenarios often come up where one trait may require functionality from another trait. This is where supertraits come in as they allow you to require a trait when implementing another trait, i.e., a trait with a trait. A good example of this is the Ord trait of the core library of Sway. The Ord trait requires the Eq trait, so Eq is kept as a separate trait as one may decide to implement Eq without implementing other parts of the Ord trait.

trait Eq {
    fn equals(self, b: Self) -> bool;

trait Ord: Eq {
    fn gte(self, b: Self) -> bool;

impl Ord for u64 {
    fn gte(self, b: Self) -> bool {
        // As `Eq` is a supertrait of `Ord`, `Ord` can access the equals method
        self.equals(b) ||

To require a supertrait, add a : after the trait name and then list the traits you would like to require and separate them with a +.

ABI supertraits

ABIs can also have supertrait annotations:


struct Foo {}
impl ABIsupertrait for Foo {
    fn foo() {}

trait ABIsupertrait {
    fn foo();

abi MyAbi : ABIsupertrait {
    fn bar();
} {
    fn baz() {
        Self::foo() // supertrait method usage

impl ABIsupertrait for Contract {
    fn foo() {}

// The implementation of MyAbi for Contract must also implement ABIsupertrait
impl MyAbi for Contract {
    fn bar() {
        Self::foo() // supertrait method usage

The implementation of MyAbi for Contract must also implement the ABIsupertrait trait. Methods in ABIsupertrait are not available externally, i.e. they're not actually contract methods, but they can be used in the actual contract methods, as shown in the example above.

ABI supertraits are intended to make contract implementations compositional, allowing combining orthogonal contract features using, for instance, libraries.


In addition to supertraits, ABIs can have superABI annotations:


abi MySuperAbi {
    fn foo();

abi MyAbi : MySuperAbi {
    fn bar();

impl MySuperAbi for Contract {
    fn foo() {}

// The implementation of MyAbi for Contract must also implement MySuperAbi
impl MyAbi for Contract {
    fn bar() {}

The implementation of MyAbi for Contract must also implement the MySuperAbi superABI. Methods in MySuperAbi will be part of the MyAbi contract interface, i.e. will be available externally (and hence cannot be called from other MyAbi contract methods).

SuperABIs are intended to make contract implementations compositional, allowing combining orthogonal contract features using, for instance, libraries.

Associated Items

Traits can declare different kinds of associated items in their interface surface:

Associated functions

Associated functions in traits consist of just function signatures. This indicates that each implementation of the trait for a given type must define all the trait functions.

trait Trait {
    fn associated_fn(self, b: Self) -> bool;

Associated constants

Associated constants are constants associated with a type.

trait Trait {
    const ID: u32 = 0;

The initializer expression of an associated constants in a trait definition may be omitted to indicate that each implementation of the trait for a given type must specify an initializer:

trait Trait {
    const ID: u32;

Check the associated consts section on constants page.

Associated types

Associated types in Sway allow you to define placeholder types within a trait, which can be customized by concrete implementations of that trait. These associated types are used to specify the return types of trait methods or to define type relationships within the trait.

trait MyTrait {
    type AssociatedType;

Check the associated types section on associated types page.

Trait Constraints

When writing generic code, you can constraint the choice of types for a generic argument by using the where keyword. The where keyword specifies which traits the concrete generic parameter must implement. In the below example, the function expects_some_trait can be called only if the parameter t is of a type that has SomeTrait implemented. To call the expects_both_traits, parameter t must be of a type that implements both SomeTrait and SomeOtherTrait.

trait SomeTrait { }
trait SomeOtherTrait { }

fn expects_some_trait<T>(t: T) where T: SomeTrait {
    // ...

fn expects_some_other_trait<T>(t: T) where T: SomeOtherTrait {
    // ...

fn expects_both_traits<T>(t: T) where T: SomeTrait + SomeOtherTrait {
    // ...

Marker Traits

Sway types can be classified in various ways according to their intrinsic properties. These classifications are represented as marker traits. Marker traits are implemented by the compiler and cannot be explicitly implemented in code.

E.g., all types whose instances can be used in the panic expression automatically implement the Error marker trait. We can use that trait, e.g., to specify that a generic argument must be compatible with the panic expression:

fn panic_with_error<E>(err: E) where E: Error {
    panic err;

Note panic expression and error types have not yet been implemented

All marker traits are defined in the core::marker module.

Use Cases

Custom Types (structs, enums)

Often, libraries and APIs have interfaces that are abstracted over a type that implements a certain trait. It is up to the consumer of the interface to implement that trait for the type they wish to use with the interface. For example, let's take a look at a trait and an interface built off of it.


pub enum Suit {
    Hearts: (),
    Diamonds: (),
    Clubs: (),
    Spades: (),

pub trait Card {
    fn suit(self) -> Suit;
    fn value(self) -> u8;

fn play_game_with_deck<T>(a: Vec<T>) where T: Card {
    // insert some creative card game here

Now, if you want to use the function play_game_with_deck with your struct, you must implement Card for your struct. Note that the following code example assumes a dependency games has been included in the Forc.toml file.


use games::*;

struct MyCard {
    suit: Suit,
    value: u8

impl Card for MyCard {
    fn suit(self) -> Suit {
    fn value(self) -> u8 {

fn main() {
    let mut i = 52;
    let mut deck: Vec<MyCard> = Vec::with_capacity(50);
    while i > 0 {
        i = i - 1;
        deck.push(MyCard { suit: generate_random_suit(), value: i % 4}

fn generate_random_suit() -> Suit {
  [ ... ]