Usage: forc-crypto
Commands: keccak256 Hashes the argument or file with this algorithm sha256 Hashes the argument or file with this algorithm address Converts an address to another format get-public-key Get the public key from a message and its signature new-key Creates a new key for use with fuel-core parse-secret Parses a private key to view the associated public key vanity Generate a vanity address help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
, --help
Print help
, --version
Print version
Hashes an argument with SHA256
forc crypto sha256 test
Hashes an argument with Keccak256
forc crypto keccak256 test
Hashes a file path with SHA256
forc crypto sha256 {file}
Hashes a file path with Keccak256
forc crypto keccak256 {file}
Convert an address to another format
forc crypto address fuel12e0xwx34nfp7jrzvn9mp5qkac3yvp7h8fx37ghl7klf82vv2wkys6wd523
Creates a new key default for block production
forc crypto new-key
Creates a new key for peering
forc crypto new-key -k peering
Creates a new key for block production
forc crypto new-key -k block-production
Parses the secret of a block production
forc crypto parse-secret "f5204427d0ab9a311266c96a377f7c329cb8a41b9088225b6fcf40eefb423e28"
Parses the secret of a peering
forc crypto parse-secret -k peering "f5204427d0ab9a311266c96a377f7c329cb8a41b9088225b6fcf40eefb423e28"
Get the public key from a message and its signature
forc crypto get-public-key
"This is a message that is signed"
Generate a checksummed vanity address with a given prefix
forc crypto vanity --starts-with "aaa"
Generate a checksummed vanity address with a given suffix
forc crypto vanity --ends-with "aaa"
Generate a checksummed vanity address with a given prefix and suffix
forc crypto vanity --starts-with "00" --ends-with "ff"
Generate a checksummed vanity address with a given regex pattern
forc crypto vanity --regex "^00.*ff$"