Module std::option

Expand description

A type for optional values.

Type Option represents an optional value: every Option
is either Some and contains a value, or None, and
does not. Option types are very common in Sway code, as
they have a number of uses:

  • Initial values where None can be used as an initializer.
  • Return value for otherwise reporting simple errors, where None is
    returned on error.
  • Optional struct fields.
  • Optional function arguments.

Options are commonly paired with pattern matching to query the presence
of a value and take action, always accounting for the None case.

fn divide(numerator: u64, denominator: u64) -> Option<u64> {
    if denominator == 0 {
    } else {
        Some(numerator / denominator)

fn call_divide() {
    // The return value of the function is an option
    let result = divide(6, 2);

    // Pattern match to retrieve the value
    match result {
        // The division was valid
        Some(x) => std::logging::log(x),
        // The division was invalid
        None    => std::logging::log("Cannot divide by 0"),

Method overview

In addition to working with pattern matching, Option provides a wide
variety of different methods.

Querying the variant

The is_some and is_none methods return true if the Option
is Some or None, respectively.

is_none: Option::is_none
is_some: Option::is_some

Extracting the contained value

These methods extract the contained value in an Option<T> when it
is the Some variant. If the Option is None:

  • unwrap reverts.
  • unwrap_or returns the provided default value.

unwrap : Option::unwrap
unwrap_or: Option::unwrap_or

Transforming contained values

These methods transform Option to Result:

  • ok_or transforms Some(v) to Ok(v), and None to
    Err(e) using the provided default error value.

Err(e) : Result::Err
Ok(v) : Result::Ok
Some(v): Option::Some
ok_or : Option::ok_or


A type that represents an optional value, either Some(val) or None.