
In this tutorial you will:

  1. Bootstrap your development environment.
  2. Create, build, and deploy an indexer to an indexer service hooked up to Fuel's beta-4 testnet.
  3. Query your indexer's newly created index for data using GraphQL.

1. Setting up your environment

In this Quickstart, we'll use Fuel's toolchain manager fuelup in order to install the forc-index component that we'll use to develop our indexer.

1.1 Install fuelup

To install fuelup with the default features/options, use the following command to download the fuelup installation script and run it interactively.

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://install.fuel.network/fuelup-init.sh | sh

If you require a non-default fuelup installation, please read the fuelup installation docs.

1.2 WebAssembly (WASM) Setup

Indexers are typically compiled to WASM so you'll need to have the proper WASM compilation target available on your system. You can install this target using rustup:

rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown

Additionally, you'll need the wasm-snip utility in order to remove errant symbols from your compiled WASM binary. You can install this tool using cargo:

cargo install wasm-snip

2. Using the forc-index plugin

The primary means of interfacing with the Fuel indexer for indexer development is the forc-index CLI tool. forc-index is a forc plugin specifically created to interface with the Fuel indexer service. Since we already installed fuelup in a previous step 1.1, we should be able to check that our forc-index binary was successfully installed and added to our PATH.

which forc-index

IMPORTANT: fuelup will install several binaries from the Fuel ecosystem and add them into your PATH, including the fuel-indexer binary. The fuel-indexer binary is the primary binary that users can use to spin up a Fuel indexer service.

which fuel-indexer

2.1 Check for components

Once the forc-index plugin is installed, let's go ahead and see what indexer components we have installed.

Many of these components are required for development work (e.g., fuel-core, psql) but some are even required for non-development usage as well (e.g., wasm-snip, fuelup).

forc index check
| Status |       Component        |                         Details                         |
|   ⛔️   | fuel-indexer binary    |  Can't locate fuel-indexer.                             |
|   ✅   | fuel-indexer service   |  Local service found: PID(63967) | Port(29987).         |
|   ✅   | psql                   |  /usr/local/bin/psql                                    |
|   ✅   | fuel-core              |  /Users/me/.cargo/bin/fuel-core                         |
|   ✅   | docker                 |  /usr/local/bin/docker                                  |
|   ⛔️   | fuelup                 |  Can't locate fuelup.                                   |
|   ✅   | wasm-snip              |  /Users/me/.cargo/bin/wasm-snip                         |
|   ⛔️   | forc-postgres          |  Can't locate fuelup.                                   |
|   ✅   | rustc                  |  /Users/me/.cargo/bin/rustc                             |
|   ✅   | forc-wallet            |  /Users/me/.cargo/bin/forc-wallet                       |

2.2 Setup a Database and Start the Indexer Service

To quickly setup and bootstrap the PostgreSQL database that we'll need, we'll use forc index.

We can quickly create a bootstrapped database and start the Fuel indexer service by running the following command:

IMPORTANT: Below we're specifying our Postgres hostname as --postgres-host postgresql, but you might need to change this based on your own Postgres instance details (see forc index start --help for more details).

Additionally, you can try using the --embedded-database flag in order to quickly use an embedded instance of Postgres, but this flag can be flaky, and its ease of use often depends on what platform you're using.

If you find that --embedded-database isn't working on your machine (for whatever reason), we strongly recommend that you simply used the Dockerized Fuel indexer components included in the project by using the docker compose script included in the project.

forc index start --network beta-4 --run-migrations --postgres-host postgresql

You should see output indicating the successful creation of a database and start of the indexer service; there may be much more content in your session, but it should generally contain output similar to the following lines:

✅ Successfully started the indexer service at PID 39407

2023-07-31T15:57:28.942954Z  INFO fuel_indexer::commands::run: 109: Configuration: IndexerConfig { metering_points: Some(30000000000), log_level: "info", verbose: false, local_fuel_node: false, indexer_net_config: false, fuel_node: FuelClientConfig { host: "beta-4.fuel.network", port: "80" }, web_api: WebApiConfig { host: "localhost", port: "29987", max_body_size: 5242880 }, database: PostgresConfig { user: "postgres", password: "XXXX", host: "localhost", port: "5432", database: "postgres", verbose: "false" }, metrics: false, stop_idle_indexers: false, run_migrations: true, authentication: AuthenticationConfig { enabled: false, strategy: None, jwt_secret: "XXXX", jwt_issuer: None, jwt_expiry: None }, rate_limit: RateLimitConfig { enabled: false, request_count: None, window_size: None }, replace_indexer: false, accept_sql_queries: false }
2023-07-31T15:57:28.948657Z  INFO sqlx::postgres::notice: 157: relation "_sqlx_migrations" already exists, skipping
2023-07-31T15:57:28.976258Z  INFO fuel_indexer::service: 378: Resuming Indexer(fuel.indexer_test) from block 81188
2023-07-31T15:57:29.077928Z  INFO fuel_indexer::database: 187: Loading schema for Indexer(fuel.indexer_test) with Version(2738d221cf1e926d28e62bc93604a96ec6f7c5093e766f45a4555ed06e437b7f).
2023-07-31T15:57:29.081302Z  WARN fuel_indexer::executor: 87: No end_block specified in manifest. Indexer will run forever.
2023-07-31T15:57:29.081311Z  INFO fuel_indexer::executor: 109: Indexer(fuel.indexer_test) subscribing to Fuel node at beta-4.fuel.network:80
2023-07-31T15:57:29.081424Z  INFO fuel_indexer::service: 194: Registered Indexer(fuel.indexer_test)
2023-07-31T15:57:29.082150Z  INFO fuel_indexer_lib::utils: 132: Parsed SocketAddr '' from 'localhost:29987

2.3 Creating a new indexer

Now that we have our development environment set up, the next step is to create an indexer.

forc index new hello-indexer --namespace fuellabs && cd hello-indexer

The namespace of your project is a required option. You can think of a namespace as your organization name or company name. Your project might contain one or many indexers all under the same namespace. For a complete list of options passed to forc index new, see here.

forc index new hello-indexer --namespace FuelLabs

✅ Successfully created indexer

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An easy-to-use, flexible indexing service built to go fast. 🚗💨


Read the Docs:
- Fuel Indexer: https://github.com/FuelLabs/fuel-indexer
- Fuel Indexer Book: https://docs.fuel.network/docs/indexer/
- Sway Book: https://docs.fuel.network/docs/sway/
- Rust SDK Book: https://rust.fuel.network

Join the Community:
- Follow us @Fuel: https://twitter.com/fuel_network
- Ask questions in dev-chat on Discord: https://discord.com/invite/xfpK4Pe

Report Bugs:
- Fuel Indexer Issues: https://github.com/FuelLabs/fuel-indexer/issues/new

Take a quick tour.

`forc index auth`
    Authenticate against an indexer service.
`forc index build`
    Build an indexer.
`forc index check`
    List indexer components.
`forc index deploy`
    Deploy an indexer.
`forc index kill`
    Kill a running Fuel indexer process on a given port.
`forc index new`
    Create a new indexer.
`forc index remove`
    Stop a running indexer.
`forc index start`
    Start a local indexer service.
`forc index status`
    Check the status of an indexer.

2.4 Deploying our indexer

At this point, we have a brand new indexer that will index some blocks and transactions. And with both our database and Fuel indexer services up and running, all that's left to do is to build and deploy the indexer in order to see it in action. Let's build and deploy our indexer:

forc index deploy

IMPORTANT: forc index deploy by defaults runs forc index build prior to deploying the indexer. The same result can be produced by running forc index build then subsequently running forc index deploy. For more info, checkout the forc index deploy command.

If all goes well, you should see the following:

▹▹▹▹▹ ⏰ Building...                         Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.96s
▪▪▪▪▪ ✅ Build succeeded.                    Deploying indexer
▪▪▪▪▪ ✅ Successfully deployed indexer.

And we can check the status of our newly deployed indexer using:

forc index status

Which should show:

✅ Successfully fetched service health:

client status: OK
database status: OK
uptime: 1m 30s


─ fuellabs
   └─ hello_world
      • id: 1
      • created at: 2023-11-08 15:09:49.205698 UTC (52s ago)
      • status: running
      • status message:
          Indexed 5440 blocks

What is a "deployment" exactly?

A deployment within the context of Fuel's indexer is a series of steps taken to get your indexer project running in the wild.

This series of steps involves compiling your indexer project to a wasm32-unknown-unknown target and uploading the indexer to a running Fuel indexer service. The service will then register an executor and build database tables for this indexer. Once this series of steps has completed, your indexer is considered to be "deployed".

Users will often find that they're simply deploying their indexers to a Fuel indexer service running on their local machine; this is just one valid use-case described in our infrastructure docs. Keep in mind that the intended use of a Fuel indexer service is as a standalone remote service that may run many different indexers at any given time.

3. Querying for data

With our indexer deployed, we should be able to query for newly indexed data after a few seconds.

Below, we write a simple GraphQL query that returns a few fields from all transactions that we've indexed.

You can open your GraphQL query playground at and submit the following GraphQL query.

query {
  transaction {
    block {

The response you get should resemble:

    "block": {
      "id": "24002b29ef4331f5ee75a38bf6381f2c8e8d2d5b4d78470706dde7ab0b8d54c0"
    "hash": "82b36dce26d926921b8e79597899d8712fdabf2553f28b45ef3851a968efb4b9",
    "id": "eb7e14822e18e71ba7c92c266b0976acda2344dfbef7a60099d400cc243394fb"
    "block": {
      "id": "1309ee2cb0846b1a7e45313e1c39b2a24ffd552a381f2f627225256f725a93e3"
    "hash": "f0c7c778faa6eb2a8bf03c9c47bb3f836bd4fe37e69c18e30f853ff146522dcb",
    "id": "182b6343bbbca2fcecf97020ea3f3767b8f5c370a6b853d2add46853e542a113"
    "block": {
      "id": "95588e20296969a76576d519d301c6cabe1e009675e430da93e18ba2a0d38a49"
    "hash": "e729045198ee10dcf49e431f50c2ffe8c37129cbe47e003a59aff81a88b03b50",
    "id": "6910ebc30a1037b83336c956c95f7fc470c4b76750a93f6a1f6d19a21d058b19"

Finished! 🥳

Congrats, you just created, built, and deployed your first indexer on the world's fastest execution layer.

For more info on how indexers work, please checkout the reference guide.