Transferring assets

With wallet.transfer you can initiate a transaction to transfer an asset from your wallet to a target address.

        use fuels::prelude::*;

        // Setup 2 test wallets with 1 coin each
        let num_wallets = Some(2);
        let coins_per_wallet = Some(1);
        let coin_amount = Some(1);

        let wallets = launch_custom_provider_and_get_wallets(
            WalletsConfig::new(num_wallets, coins_per_wallet, coin_amount),

        // Transfer the base asset with amount 1 from wallet 1 to wallet 2
        let asset_id = Default::default();
        let _receipts = wallets[0]
            .transfer(wallets[1].address(), 1, asset_id, TxParameters::default())

        let wallet_2_final_coins = wallets[1].get_coins(BASE_ASSET_ID).await?;

        // Check that wallet 2 now has 2 coins
        assert_eq!(wallet_2_final_coins.len(), 2);

You can also transfer assets to a contract via wallet.force_transfer_to_contract.

        // Check the current balance of the contract with id 'contract_id'
        let contract_coins = wallet

        // Transfer an amount of 100 of the default asset to the contract
        let amount = 100;
        let asset_id = Default::default();
        let _receipts = wallet
            .force_transfer_to_contract(&contract_id, amount, asset_id, TxParameters::default())

        // Check that the contract now has 1 coin
        let contract_coins = wallet
        assert_eq!(contract_coins.len(), 1);