Building and Linting

CI should enforce the following criteria across all Rust projects:

  • Pull requests should be blocked if the build action fails.
  • The build action should deny all warnings.
  • Code formatting should pass cargo fmt --all -- --check
  • Code must pass cargo clippy

Clippy Lints

While clippy is a powerful tool, some lints may be incorrect or worse than the actual implementation. Each project should have its own clippy.toml file to maintain the set of lints are needed. Once the core sets of lints are configured for a project, #[allow(...)] exceptions should be placed nearest to the lint failure rather than globally at the clippy.toml file. An example of this may be when a Rust upgrade causes codegen from a macro to fail the updated lints.

Standard Lints

These lints are considered standard for every crate in the Fuel ecosystem.

fn main() {

Unused Dependencies

Each repo should have CI rules to prevent unused dependencies. This can be automated using the tool cargo-udeps.