Read me

The is likely to be the first file that a user sees therefore from the perspective of a user there are certain expectations that need to be met.


A user needs to know what the library is and what it does. The content in this section should be a brief overview of what the library can do and it should not touch on any technical aspects such as the implementation details.

Once a user has an idea of what they are getting into they can move onto the next section.


The quickstart should inform the user where the library is supported (e.g. the operating system), and has been tested to work, before moving onto the installation and removal instructions.

A user should be able to easily install, use, and potentially remove your library to create a good experience.


This "section" can be a number of sections which the authors of the library think the user may be interested in.

Some information may include:

  • Links to documents such as contributing guides, blogs, socials etc.
  • Ways to support the library
  • Known issues

There is a variety of content that may be added, however, it's important to note that this is the first document a user will see and thus should not be overloaded with information. If the user can learn a little about the library, use it, and find links to additional content then the document has achieved its purpose.