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A persistent storage type to store the SRC-7; Metadata Standard type.

The 128-bit signed fixed point number type.

The 256-bit signed fixed point number type.

The 64-bit signed fixed point number type.

The 128-bit unsigned fixed point number type.

The 32-bit unsigned fixed point number type.

The 64-bit unsigned fixed point number type.

Logged when ownership is renounced.

Logged when ownership is given to a user.

Logged when ownership is given from one user to another.

The Queue type corresponds to the same called data structure.

The 128-bit signed integer type.

The 16-bit signed integer type.

The 256-bit signed integer type.

The 32-bit signed integer type.

The 64-bit signed integer type.

The 8-bit signed integer type.


Error log for when access is denied.

Error log for when something goes wrong when burning assets.

Error log for when access is denied.

Error emitted upon the opposite of the desired pause state.

Error log for when reentrancy has been detected

Error log for when unexpected behavior has occurred.


Trait for the Two’s Complement of a value.



Concatenated to leaf hash input as described by
“MTH({d(0)}) = SHA-256(0x00 || d(0))”

Concatenated to node hash input as described by


Returns whether admin is an administrator.

Ensures that the sender is an administrator.

Ensures that the sender is an owner or administrator.

Removes an administrator.

Returns the number of decimals the asset uses.

Returns the name of the asset, such as “Ether”.

Unconditionally sets the decimals of an asset.

Unconditionally sets the name of an asset.

Unconditionally sets the symbol of an asset.

Returns the symbol of the asset, such as “ETH”.

Returns the total number of individual assets for a contract.

Returns the total supply of coins for an asset.

Unconditionally stores metadata for a specific asset and key pair.

Burns assets with the given sub_id.

Unconditionally mints new assets using the sub_id sub-identifier.

Takes the bytecode of a contract or predicate and computes the bytecode root.

Takes the bytecode of a contract or predicate and configurables and computes the bytecode root.

Takes the bytecode of a predicate and computes the address of a predicate.

Takes the bytecode of a predicate and configurables and computes the address of a predicate.

Takes the bytecode root of a predicate and generates the address of the predicate.

Swaps out configurable values in a contract or predicate’s bytecode.

Takes some bytecode and computes the bytecode root.

Takes the bytecode root of predicate generates the address of a predicate.

Swaps out configurable values in a contract’s or predicate’s bytecode.

Asserts that a contract’s bytecode and the given bytecode match.

Asserts that a contract’s bytecode and the given bytecode and configurable values match.

Asserts that a predicates’s address from some bytecode and the given address match.

Asserts that a predicates’s address from some bytecode and configurables and the given address match.

Returns the computed leaf hash of “MTH({d(0)}) = SHA-256(0x00 || d(0))”.

Returns the computed node hash of “MTH(D[n]) = SHA-256(0x01 || MTH(D[0:k]) || MTH(D[k:n]))”.

This function will compute and return a Merkle root given a leaf and corresponding proof.

This function will take a Merkle leaf and proof and return whether the corresponding root

Calculates the length of the path to a leaf

Calculates the starting bit of the path to a leaf

Returns the owner.

Sets the passed identity as the initial owner.

Ensures that the sender is the owner.

Revokes ownership of the current owner and disallows any new owners.

Transfers ownership to the passed identity.

Returns whether the contract is in the paused state.

Unconditionally sets the contract to the paused state.

Unconditionally sets the contract to the unpaused state.

Requires that the contract is in the unpaused state.

Requires that the contract is in the paused state.

Returns true if the reentrancy pattern is detected, and false otherwise.

Reverts if the reentrancy pattern is detected in the contract in which this is called.