Single Line Arm

The following example demonstrates how a type can be matched on and its output is assigned to a variable. The assignment to a variable is optional.

    let number = 5;

    let result = match number {
        0 => 10,
        1 => 20,
        5 => 50,
        6 | 7 => 60,
        catch_all => 0,

The left side of the arrow => is the pattern that we are matching on and the right side of the arrow => is the logic that we want to perform, in this case we are returning a different multiple of 10 depending on which arm is matched.

We check each arm starting from 0 and make our way down until we either find a match on our pattern or we reach the catch_all case.

The | operator can be used to produce a pattern that is a disjunction of other patterns.

The catch_all case is equivalent to an else in if expressions and it does not have to be called catch_all. Any pattern declared after a catch_all case will not be matched because once the compiler sees the first catch_all it stop performing further checks.