1. Welcome!
  2. Installation
    1. Fuelup
    2. Cargo
    3. From Source
    4. Fuel Core
  3. Program Types
    1. Smart Contract
    2. Library
      1. Internal Libraries
      2. External Libraries
    3. Script
    4. Predicate
  4. Built-in Types
    1. Numerics
    2. Booleans
    3. Strings
    4. Bytes
    5. Tuples
    6. Arrays
    7. Structs
    8. Enums
  5. Variables
    1. let
    2. const
    3. Shadowing
  7. Functions
    1. Functions
    2. Methods
    3. Associated Functions
    4. Returning from functions
  8. Control Flow
    1. if expressions
    2. match
      1. Single Line Arm
      2. Multi Line Arm
      3. Complex Patterns
        1. Enums
        2. Structs
        3. Constants
        4. Nested Expressions
        5. Multiple Values
    3. Looping
      1. while
      2. break
      3. continue
  9. Annotations
    1. Types
    2. Attributes
      1. Storage
      2. Payable
      3. Test
      4. Allow
      5. Inline
      6. Deprecated
  10. Traits
  11. Generics
  12. Style Guide
    1. Naming Convention
    2. Type Annotations
    3. Struct Shorthand
    4. Enums
    5. Returning
    6. Pattern Matching
    8. Getter Functions
    9. Unused Variables
    10. Intermediate Variables
  13. Storage
    1. Initialization
    2. Reading & Writing
    3. Libraries
      1. StorageMap
      2. StorageVec
      3. Store & Get
  14. Assertions
    1. assert
    2. require
    3. revert
    4. assert_eq
    5. assert_ne
  15. Address Namespace
    1. Address
    2. ContractId
    3. Identity
  16. Call Data
    1. Message Sender
    2. Asset Sent
    3. Amount of Asset Sent
  17. Logging
  18. Calling Contracts
  19. Re-entrancy
  20. Asset Operations
    1. Minting
      1. Mint
      2. To Address
      3. To Contract
      4. To Address or Contract
    2. Burning
    3. Transfer
      1. To Address
      2. To Contract
      3. To Address or Contract
    4. Contract Balance
  21. Hashing
    1. sha256
    2. keccak256
  22. Signature Recovery
    1. Fuel Address
    2. Ethereum Address
  23. Counter
  24. Fizzbuzz
  25. Contract Ownership
  26. Wallet
  27. Liquidity Pool
  28. Standard Library Prelude
  29. Language Comparison
    1. Rust
    2. Solidity
  30. Software Development Kits
    1. Rust SDK
    2. TypeScript SDK
  31. Advanced Concepts
    1. Structs
    2. Enums
    3. Compiler Intrinsics
  32. Known Issues
    1. General
    2. Missing Features
    3. Importing
    4. Strings
    5. Predicates
    6. Pattern Matching
    7. Storage
  33. Manifest Reference