
A predicate is an executable that represents a UTXO spending condition, such as a multisig predicate, which has restrictions on the VM instructions that can be used .

It does not need to be deployed to a blockchain because it only exists during a transaction. That being said, the predicate root is on chain as the owner of one or more UTXOs.

Predicates can neither read from nor write to any contract state. Moreover, they cannot use any contract instructions.

Transfer Coins to a Predicate

In Fuel, coins can be sent to an address uniquely representing a particular predicate's bytecode (the bytecode root, calculated here).

Spending Predicate Coins

The coin UTXOs become spendable not on the provision of a valid signature, but rather if the supplied predicate both has a root that matches their owner, and evaluates to true.

If a predicate reverts, or tries to access impure VM opcodes, the evaluation is automatically false.

Spending Conditions

Predicates may introspect the transaction spending their coins (inputs, outputs, script bytecode, etc.) and may take runtime arguments (the predicateData), either or both of which may affect the evaluation of the predicate.


Similar to a script, a predicate consists of a single main() function which can take any number of arguments but must return a Boolean. In order for the predicate to be valid, the returned Boolean value must be true.


// All predicates require a main function which return a Boolean value.
fn main(amount: u64) -> bool {