Store & Get

Storage can be manipulated directly through the use of store() & get() functions. They utilize generics to store and retrieve values.


To use store() & get() we must import them however we are not required to declare a storage block.

use std::storage::storage_api::{read, write};


To store a generic value T we must provide a key of type b256.

In this example we store some number of type u64.

fn store(key: b256, value: u64) {
    // write(key, SLOT, T) where T = generic type
    write(key, 0, value);


To retrieve a generic value T at the position of key we must specify the type that we are retrieving.

In this example we retrieve some u64 at the position of key.

fn get(key: b256) {
    // read::<T>(key, SLOT) where T = generic type
    let value = read::<u64>(key, 0);

The function get returns an Option; if the storage slots requested have not been set before, get will return None.