
A StorageVec is a vector that permanently stores its data in storage. It replicates the functionality of a regular vector however its data is not stored contigiously because it utilizes hashing and generics to find a location to store the value T.

There is a number of methods in the standard library however we will take a look at pushing and retrieving data.


To use a StorageVec we need to import it from the standard library and while we're at it we'll import the msg_sender() so that we can use it in the following section.

After the import we initialize our StorageVec as described in the initialization section.

use std::storage::storage_vec::*;

storage {
    // T = u64
    balance: StorageVec<u64> = StorageVec {},
    // T = (Identity, u64)
    user: StorageVec<(Identity, u64)> = StorageVec {},

There are two storage variables: balance & user. balance takes a single value while user wraps two values into a tuple.

Reading from Storage

Retrieving data from a storage variable is done through the .get(index) method. That is to say that we state which index by specifying it inside .get() and appending that to the end of the storage variable.

In this example we look at how we can retrieve a single value balance and how we can unpack multiple values from user.

fn reading_from_storage(id: u64) {
    let balance = storage.balance.get(id).unwrap();

    let (user, value) = storage.user.get(id).unwrap().read();

Writing to Storage

Writing to storage is similar to reading. The difference is that we use a different method .push(value) and we use the read keyword because the implementation reads the length of the vector to determine where to store the value.

In this example we insert a tuple containing an the Identity of the caller and some id into the vector.

#[storage(read, write)]
fn writing_to_storage(id: u64) {
    storage.user.push((msg_sender().unwrap(), id));