
A library is used to contain code that performs common operations in order to prevent code duplication.


Libraries are defined using the library keyword at the beginning of a file.



Code defined inside a library, but more generally anywhere inside a Sway project, is considered to be private which means that it is inaccessible to other files unless explicitly exposed.

Code can be exposed through a two step process:

  • Add a pub keyword at the start of some code
  • Specify the library in the Forc.toml file as a dependency and then import the pub declaration

// Cannot import because the `pub` keyword is missing
fn foo() {}

// Can import everything below because they are using the `pub` keyword
pub const ONE = __to_str_array("1");

pub struct MyStruct {}

impl MyStruct {
    pub fn my_function() {}

pub enum MyEnum {
    Variant: (),

pub fn bar() {}

pub trait MyTrait {
    fn my_function();

The following structures can be marked as pub:

  • Globally defined constants
  • Structs
  • Enums
  • Functions
  • Traits


Libraries cannot be directly deployed to a blockchain, but they can be deployed as part of a contract.