Sway Program Types

A Sway program is a file ending with the extension .sw, e.g. main.sw, and the first line of the file is a declaration of the type of program.

A Sway program can be one of four types:

  • contract
    • Primarily used for protocols or systems that operate within a fixed set of rules e.g. staking contracts, decentralized exchanges, etc.
  • library
    • Reusable code for handling common operations
  • script
    • Used for complex, multi-step, on-chain interactions that won't persist, such as using a decentralized exchange to create a leveraged position (borrow, swap, re-collateralize, borrow)
  • predicate
    • A set of preconditions to the construction of a transaction, the result of which must be a Boolean value of true in order for the transaction to be considered valid

Sway Project Types

A project type in Sway refers to which program type is in the main file of the project.

This means that there are four types of projects:

  • contracts
  • libraries
  • scripts
  • predicates

All four projects can contain multiple library files in the src directory.

There is a caveat when it comes to contracts, scripts and predicates and it's as follows:

  • A project can at most contain any one of a contract, script or predicate.

This means that a project cannot contain more than one contract, one script, one predicate and it cannot mix them together.

Entry Points

An entry point is the starting point of execution for a program.

Since a library is not directly deployable to the blockchain it does not have an entry point and instead its code is exported for use within other programs.

Unlike libraries; contracts, scripts and predicates all have an entry point. Contracts expose an Application Binary Interface (ABI) while scripts and predicates expose a main() function for entry.