Intermediate Variables

An intermediate variable, or a temporary variable, is a variable that is typically used once. In most cases we avoid creating intermediate variables; however, there are cases where they may enrich the code.

Contextual Assignment

It may be beneficial to use an intermediate variable to provide context to the reader about the value.

fn contextual_assignment() {
    let remaining_amount = update_state();
    // code that uses `remaining_amount` instead of directly calling `update_state()`

Shortened Name

In the cases of multiple levels of indentation or overly verbose names it may be beneficial to create an intermediate variable with a shorter name.

fn shortened_name() {
    let remaining_amount = update_state_of_vault_v3_storage_contract();
    // code that uses `remaining_amount` instead of directly calling `update_state_of_vault_v3_storage_contract()`