Getting Started

Follow this guide to write and deploy a simple wallet smart contract in Sway.


Before we begin, it may be helpful to understand terminology that will used throughout the docs and how they relate to each other:

  • Fuel: the Fuel blockchain.
  • FuelVM: the virtual machine powering Fuel.
  • Sway: the domain-specific language crafted for the FuelVM; it is inspired by Rust.
  • Forc: the build system and package manager for Sway, similar to Cargo for Rust.

Understand Sway Program Types

There are four types of Sway programs:

  • contract
  • predicate
  • script
  • library

Contracts, predicates, and scripts can produce artifacts usable on the blockchain, while a library is simply a project designed for code reuse and is not directly deployable.

Every Sway file must begin with a declaration of what type of program it is.

See the chapter on program types for more information.

Create Wallet Projects with forc

To deploy a wallet on Fuel, we will need to write a library, a contract, and a script in Sway.

First, let's install the Sway toolchain. Then with forc installed, let's create three different sibling projects:

forc init wallet_lib
forc init wallet_contract
forc init wallet_script

See here for more information on Forc project structure.

Write a Sway Smart Contract

Declare ABI in wallet_lib

Navigate into the src/main.sw file of the wallet_lib directory you just created.

Delete the auto-generated skeleton code currently in the file, and copy and paste the following code:

library wallet_lib;

abi Wallet {
    fn receive_funds();
    fn send_funds(amount_to_send: u64, recipient_address: b256);

Every Sway file must start with a declaration of what type of program the file contains; here, we've declared that this file is a library called wallet_lib.

Sway contracts should declare an ABI—an application binary interface—in a library so that it can be re-used by downstream contracts. Let's focus on the ABI declaration and inspect it line-by-line.

In the first line, we declare the name of this ABI: Wallet. To import this ABI into either a script or another contract for calling the contract, or the contract to implement the ABI, you would use use wallet_lib::Wallet;.

In the second line we declare an ABI method called receive_funds which, when called, should receive funds into this wallet. This method takes no parameters and does not return anything.

Note: We are simply defining an interface here, so there is no function body or implementation of the function. We only need to define the interface itself. In this way, ABI declarations are similar to trait declarations.

In the third line we declare another ABI method, this time called send_funds. It takes two parameters: the amount to send, and the address to send the funds to.

Implementing the ABI Methods in wallet_contract

Now that we've defined the interface, let's discuss how to use it. We will start by implementing the above ABI for a specific contract.

To do this, navigate to the wallet_contract directory that you created with forc previously.

First, you need to import the Wallet declaration from the last step. Open up Forc.toml. It should look something like this:

authors = ["user"]
entry = "main.sw"
license = "Apache-2.0"
name = "wallet_contract"


Include the wallet_lib project as a dependency by adding the following line to the bottom of the file:

wallet_lib = { path = "../wallet_lib" }

Now, open up main.sw in wallet_contract/src and copy and paste the following code:

use wallet_lib::Wallet;

impl Wallet for Contract {
    fn receive_funds() {

    fn send_funds(amount_to_send: u64, recipient_address: b256) {

This implements the ABI methods with empty bodies. Actual implementation of the bodies is left as an exercise for the reader.

Build the Contract

Build wallet_contract by running

forc build

from inside the wallet_contract directory.

Deploy the Contract

It's now time to deploy the wallet contract and call it on a Fuel node. We will show how to do this using forc from the command line, but you can also do it using the Rust SDK or the TypeScript SDK

Spin Up a Fuel node

In a separate tab in your terminal, spin up a local Fuel node:

fuel-core --db-type in-memory

This starts a Fuel node with a volatile database that will be cleared when shut down (good for testing purposes).

Deploy wallet_contract To Your Local Fuel Node

To deploy wallet_contract on your local Fuel node, run

forc deploy

from the root of the wallet_contract directory.

This should produce some output in stdout that looks like this:

$ forc deploy
  Compiled library "wallet_lib".
  Compiled contract "wallet_contract".
  Bytecode size is 212 bytes.
Contract id: 0xf4b63e0e09cb72762cec18a6123a9fb5bd501b87141fac5835d80f5162505c38

Note the contract ID—you will need it in the next step.

Write a Sway Script to Call a Sway Contract

Note: If you are using the SDK you do not need to write a script to call the Sway contract, this is all handled automagically by the SDK.

Now that we have deployed our wallet contract, we need to actually call our contract. We can do this by calling the contract from a script.

Let's navigate to the wallet_script directory created previously.

First, you need to import the wallet_lib library. Open up the Forc.toml in the root of the directory. Import wallet_lib repo by adding the following line to the bottom of the file:

wallet_lib = { path = "../wallet_lib" }

Next, open up src/main.sw. Copy and paste the following code:


use std::constants::BASE_ASSET_ID;

use wallet_lib::Wallet;

fn main() {
    let caller = abi(Wallet, <contract_address>);
    caller.send_funds(200, 0x9299da6c73e6dc03eeabcce242bb347de3f5f56cd1c70926d76526d7ed199b8b);

Replace <contract_address> with the contract ID you noted when deploying the contract.

The main new concept is the abi cast: abi(AbiName, ContractAddress). This returns a ContractCaller type which can be used to call contracts. The methods of the ABI become the methods available on this contract caller: send_funds and receive_funds. We can directly call a contract ABI method as if it were a trait method.

Check That wallet_script Builds

To check that wallet_script builds successfully, run

forc build

from the root of the wallet_script directory.

Call the Contract

It's now time to call the contract. We will show how to do this using forc from the command line, but you can also do this using the Rust SDK or the TypeScript SDK

Run wallet_script Against Your Local Fuel Node

To run the script now against the local Fuel node, run

forc run --contract <contract-id>

from the root of the wallet_script directory.

Note that we are passing in the wallet_contract contract ID as a command-line parameter. You will need to pass in the contract ID of every contract that this script will be interacting with.

If the script is successfully run, it will output something that looks like:

$ forc run --pretty-print --contract <contract-id> 
  Compiled library "core".
  Compiled library "std".
  Compiled library "wallet_lib".
  Compiled script "wallet_script".
  Bytecode size is 272 bytes.
    "Call": {
      "amount": 0,
      "asset_id": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
      "gas": 99999240,
      "id": "ea1f774aae16b8719ce463d4e8097ef72766686ede65e35947084aa0055e59d7",
      "is": 11536,
      "param1": 3467577331,
      "param2": 10848,
      "pc": 11536,
      "to": "ea1f774aae16b8719ce463d4e8097ef72766686ede65e35947084aa0055e59d7"
    "Return": {
      "id": "ea1f774aae16b8719ce463d4e8097ef72766686ede65e35947084aa0055e59d7",
      "is": 11536,
      "pc": 11608,
      "val": 0
    "Return": {
      "id": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
      "is": 10352,
      "pc": 10476,
      "val": 0
    "ScriptResult": {
      "gas_used": 971,
      "result": "Success"

It returns a Call receipt and a ScriptResult receipt.

Testing Sway contracts

The recommended way to test Sway contracts is via the Rust SDK. You may also write tests in TypeScript if you are using the TypeScript SDK.