Unit Testing

Forc provides built-in support for building and executing tests for a package.

Tests are written as free functions with the #[test] attribute. For example:

fn test_meaning_of_life() {
    assert(6 * 7 == 42);

Each test function is ran as if it were the entry point for a script. Tests "pass" if they return successfully, and "fail" if they revert.

Building and Running Tests

We can build and execute all tests within a package with the following:

forc test

The output should look similar to this:

  Compiled library "core".
  Compiled library "std".
  Compiled library "lib_single_test".
  Bytecode size is 92 bytes.
   Running 1 tests
      test test_meaning_of_life ... ok (170.652µs)
   Result: OK. 1 passed. 0 failed. Finished in 1.564996ms.

Visit the forc test command reference to find the options available for forc test.

Testing Failure

Coming Soon

Track progress on #[test(should_revert)] here.

Calling Contracts

Coming Soon

Track progress on constract calls in tests here