
An enum, also known as a sum type, is a type that consists of several variants where each variant is named and has a type.

Let's take a look at an example where we define an enum called Color with a few color variations.

enum Color {
    Blue: (),
    Green: (),
    Red: (),
    Silver: (),
    Grey: (),

We begin by using the enum keyword followed by the name for our enumeration. The variants are contained inside {} and they are ordered sequentially from top to bottom. Each variant has a name, such as the first Blue variant, and a type, which in this case is the unit type () for all variants.

The unit type is a type that does not contain any data however any type can be used.

    // To instantiate an enum with a variant of the unit type the syntax is
    let blue = Color::Blue;
    let silver = Color::Silver;

Enums of Structs

In order to demonstrate more complex data types we can define a struct and assign that struct as a data type for any of an enum's variants.

Here we have a struct Item and an enum MyEnum. The enum has one variant by the name Product and its type is declared to the right of : which in this case is our struct Item.

struct Item {
    amount: u64,
    id: u64,
    price: u64,

enum MyEnum {
    Product: Item,

fn main() {
    let my_enum = MyEnum::Product(Item {
        amount: 2,
        id: 42,
        price: 5,

Enums of Enums

Similar to structs we can use other enums as types for our variants.

enum UserError {
    InsufficientPermissions: (),
    Unauthorized: (),

enum Error {
    UserError: UserError,

fn main() {
    let my_enum = Error::UserError(UserError::Unauthorized);