Module: @fuel-ts/program
Type Aliases
Ƭ CallConfig<T
>: Object
Represents configuration for calling a contract function.
Type parameters
Name | Type | Description |
T | unknown | Type of the function's arguments. |
Type declaration
Name | Type |
args | T |
callParameters? | CallParams |
externalAbis | Record <string , JsonAbi > |
forward? | CoinQuantity |
func | FunctionFragment |
program | AbstractProgram |
txParameters? | TxParams |
Defined in
Ƭ CallParams: Partial
<{ forward
: CoinQuantityLike
; gasLimit
: BigNumberish
Represents call parameters for a contract call.
Defined in
Ƭ ContractCall: Object
Represents a contract call.
Type declaration
Name | Type |
amount? | BigNumberish |
assetId? | BytesLike |
contractId | AbstractAddress |
data | BytesLike |
externalContractsAbis? | Record <string , JsonAbi > |
fnSelectorBytes | Uint8Array |
gas? | BigNumberish |
Defined in
Ƭ DryRunResult<TReturn
>: Object
Type parameters
Name |
TReturn |
Type declaration
Name | Type |
callResult | CallResult |
functionScopes | InvocationScopeLike [] |
gasUsed | BN |
isMultiCall | boolean |
value | TReturn |
Defined in
Ƭ FunctionResult<TReturn
>: Object
Type parameters
Name |
TReturn |
Type declaration
Name | Type |
functionScopes | InvocationScopeLike [] |
gasUsed | BN |
isMultiCall | boolean |
logs | any [] |
program | AbstractProgram |
transactionId | string |
transactionResponse | TransactionResponse |
transactionResult | TransactionResult <Script > |
value | TReturn |
Defined in
Ƭ InvocationScopeLike<T
>: Object
Represents a like object of InvocationScope with a method to get its call configuration.
Type parameters
Name | Type | Description |
T | unknown | Type of the function's arguments. |
Type declaration
Name | Type |
getCallConfig | () => CallConfig <T > |
Defined in
Ƭ TransactionCostOptions: Partial
<{ fundTransaction
: boolean
Represents options for calculating the transaction cost.
Defined in
Ƭ TxParams: Partial
<{ gasLimit
: BigNumberish
; maturity?
: number
; maxFee?
: BigNumberish
; tip
: BigNumberish
; variableOutputs
: number
; witnessLimit?
: BigNumberish
Represents transaction parameters for a contract call.