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Pagination is highly efficient when dealing with large sets of data. Because of this some methods from the Provider class support GraphQL cursor pagination, allowing you to efficiently navigate through data chunks.

Pagination Arguments

The pagination arguments object is used to specify the range of data you want to retrieve. It includes the following properties:

  • after: A cursor pointing to a position after which you want to retrieve items.
  • first: The number of items to retrieve after the specified cursor. This is used in conjunction with the after argument.
  • before: A cursor pointing to a position before which you want to retrieve items.
  • last: The number of items to retrieve before the specified cursor. This is used in conjunction with the before argument.
const paginationArgs: CursorPaginationArgs = {
  after: 'cursor',
  first: 10,
  before: 'cursor',
  last: 10,
See code in context

Page Info

The pageInfo object is included in the GraphQL response for requests that support cursor pagination. It provides crucial metadata about the current page of results, allowing you to understand the pagination state and determine if there are more items to fetch before or after the current set.

  • endCursor: A cursor representing the last item in the current set of results. It should be used as the after argument in subsequent queries to fetch the next set of items.
  • hasNextPage: A boolean indicating whether there are more items available after the current set.
  • startCursor: A cursor representing the first item in the current set of results. It should be used as the before argument in subsequent queries to fetch the previous set of items.
  • hasPreviousPage: A boolean indicating whether there are more items available before the current set.
const pageInfo: GqlPageInfo = {
  endCursor: 'cursor',
  hasNextPage: true,
  startCursor: 'cursor',
  hasPreviousPage: true,
See code in context

Using Pagination

One of the methods that supports pagination is the getCoins method. This method receives three parameters:

  • address: The owner's account address
  • assetId: The asset ID of the coins (optional)
  • paginationArgs: The pagination arguments (optional)

Basic Pagination

Here is how you can use the getCoins method with pagination:

import type { CursorPaginationArgs } from 'fuels';
import { FUEL_NETWORK_URL, Provider, Wallet } from 'fuels';

const provider = await Provider.create(FUEL_NETWORK_URL);
const baseAssetId = provider.getBaseAssetId();
const myWallet = Wallet.generate({ provider });

let paginationArgs: CursorPaginationArgs = {
  first: 10, // It will return only the first 10 coins

const { coins, pageInfo } = await provider.getCoins(

if (pageInfo.hasNextPage) {
  paginationArgs = {
    after: pageInfo.endCursor,
    first: 10,
  // The coins array will include the next 10 coins after the last one in the previous array
  await provider.getCoins(myWallet.address, baseAssetId, paginationArgs);
See code in context

You can also use the paginationArgs to navigate to the previous page of results:

if (pageInfo.hasPreviousPage) {
  paginationArgs = {
    before: pageInfo.startCursor,
    last: 10,

  // It will includes the previous 10 coins before the first one in the previous array
  await provider.getCoins(myWallet.address, baseAssetId, paginationArgs);
See code in context

Valid Combinations

  • Forward Pagination:

    Use after with first to retrieve items following a cursor.

const paginationArgs = { after: 'cursor', first: 10 };
See code in context
  • Backward Pagination:

    Use before with last to retrieve items preceding a cursor.

const paginationArgs = { before: 'cursor', last: 10 };
See code in context

Default Behavior

If neither assetId nor paginationArgs are provided, the getCoins method will default to the base asset ID and return the first 100 items:

import { FUEL_NETWORK_URL, Provider, Wallet } from 'fuels';

const provider = await Provider.create(FUEL_NETWORK_URL);
const myWallet = Wallet.generate({ provider });

// It will return the first 100 coins of the base asset
const { coins, pageInfo } = await provider.getCoins(myWallet.address);
See code in context