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In Sway, a Vector is a dynamic-sized collection of elements of the same type. Vectors can hold arbitrary types, including non-primitive types.

Working with Vectors in the SDK

A basic Vector in Sway is similar to a TypeScript Array:

// Sway Vec<u8>
const basicU8Vector = [1, 2, 3];
See code in context

Consider the following example of a EmployeeData struct in Sway:

pub struct EmployeeData {
    name: str[8],
    age: u8,
    salary: u64,
    idHash: b256,
    ratings: [u8; 3],
    isActive: bool,
See code in context

Now, let's look at the following contract method. It receives a Vector of the Transaction struct type as a parameter and returns the last Transaction entry from the Vector:

fn echo_last_employee_data(employee_data_vector: Vec<EmployeeData>) -> EmployeeData {
    employee_data_vector.get(employee_data_vector.len() - 1).unwrap()
See code in context

The code snippet below demonstrates how to call this Sway contract method, which accepts a Vec<Transaction>:

import { getRandomB256 } from 'fuels';

const employees = [
    name: 'John Doe',
    age: 30,
    salary: 8000,
    idHash: getRandomB256(),
    ratings: [1, 2, 3],
    isActive: true,
    name: 'Everyman',
    age: 31,
    salary: 9000,
    idHash: getRandomB256(),
    ratings: [5, 6, 7],
    isActive: true,
const { value } = await contract.functions.echo_last_employee_data(employees).simulate();
See code in context

Working with Bytecode in the SDK

Some Sway functions require you to pass in bytecode to the function. The type of the bytecode parameter is usually Vec<u8>.

Take the compute_bytecode_root function from the bytecode Sway library, for example.

fn compute_bytecode_root(bytecode_input: Vec<u8>) -> b256 {
    let root = compute_bytecode_root(bytecode_input);
    return root;
See code in context

To pass bytecode to this function, you can make use of the arrayify function to convert the bytecode file contents into a UInt8Array, the TS compatible type for Sway's Vec<u8> type and pass it the function like so:

import { readFile } from 'fs/promises';
import { arrayify } from 'fuels';

const bytecode = await readFile(bytecodePath);

const { value: bytecodeRoot } = await bytecodeContract.functions
See code in context

Returning vectors

Currently, returning vectors is not supported by Sway. If you try returning a type that is or contains a Vector, you will get a compile-time error.