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Fuel-Core Options

The launchTestNode creates a temporary snapshot directory and configurations every time it runs. The path to this directory is passed to fuel-core via the --snapshot flag.

Default Snapshot

The default snapshot used is that of the current testnet network iteration.

Click here to see what it looks like.

Custom Snapshot

If you need a different snapshot, you can specify a DEFAULT_CHAIN_SNAPSHOT_DIR environment variable which points to your snapshot directory. launchTestNode will read that config and work with it instead, integrating all the functionality with it the same way it'd do with the default config.

How and where you specify the environment variable depends on your testing tool.

import { launchTestNode } from 'fuels/test-utils';

process.env.DEFAULT_CHAIN_SNAPSHOT_DIR = snapshotDirPath;

using launched = await launchTestNode();
See code in context

Fuel-Core Node Options

Besides the snapshot, you can provide arguments to the fuel-core node via the nodeOptions.args property. For a detailed list of all possible arguments run:

fuel-core run --help

If you want all your tests to run with the same arguments, consider specifying the DEFAULT_FUEL_CORE_ARGS environment variable.

import { launchTestNode } from 'fuels/test-utils';

process.env.DEFAULT_FUEL_CORE_ARGS = `--tx-max-depth 20`;

// `nodeOptions.args` will override the above values if provided.

using launched = await launchTestNode();
See code in context